Read this before you spend thousands on drainage.
What if we could solve your drainage problem with a new paver patio? Crazy, right? Instead of burying your money in underground piping, consider permeable pavers as your drainage solution.
Drainage issues are always one of our clients’ major concerns. With increased building and development, we're constantly hearing stories of drainage problems worsening. We have clients that have lived in the same house for 20-30 years and they're telling us they never had a drainage issue until recently. Typically, we can trace their drainage problems to increased runoff from surrounding properties. The question is, how do we 1) address their drainage problem and 2) how do we develop their outdoor living space without making their drainage problem worse?
Whenever new hardscapes are added to a property, the potential for drainage problems increases. But, by installing permeable pavements, we're able to collect the water that's causing the problems and integrate our clients’ patio spaces into their drainage systems.
We can use permeable pavers to address downspout drainage, soggy backyards, stormwater runoff from neighbors, grades that are sloped toward the house, excessive groundwater, or to eliminate unsightly catch basins that would be required in the patio or lawn area. Permeable pavements allow us to build paver patios in locations that would otherwise be unsuitable for pavements. You can even integrate your paver patio into a larger drainage system or rainwater harvesting system. Your entire patio becomes a giant catch basin that funnels water to an underground holding tank that you can use to water your lawn or plants. The possibilities are endless.
The slope of the yard made it impossible to install the upper patio with a positive slope away from the house foundation.
A permeable paver inlay was installed in the middle of the upper patio allowing runoff to drain down through the patio and into an underground drainage system.
Literally, instead of spending thousands on a French drain, you can now build a permeable paver patio and solve your drainage issue at the same time.
So, what are permeable pavers? Permeable pavers are paving stones that allow stormwater to pass through their joints into an underground drainage system They slow down and collect stormwater runoff and allow it to percolate back into the ground – similar to the way vegetation collects stormwater in nature. And like vegetation, they also filter pollutants and solids from the water as it percolates through the surface.
Ok…But what if we get so much water the ground can’t take anymore? Does the pavement get flooded? This is a legitimate concern. We design every permeable paver project with a relief drain. Once the water reaches a certain level it will flow through a pipe and discharge at a predetermined location. – so we’re always in control of the water, but we’re still slowing it down even if it is overwhelming the soil’s capacity to hold water.
Until recently, permeable pavers were like orthopedic shoes – they were clunky and unattractive – and only to be used in industrial or commercial settings. But now permeable pavers are extremely attractive and functional for almost any residential application. Most people can’t even tell by looking at our patios that they are permeable, they look just like a typical patio. Permeable pavements used to be messy. But now with joint stabilizing sealers, we can lock in the jointing material and create an easily cleanable and maintenance friendly surface.
Unilock permeable pavers were used around the pool and pool house for this project in Tipp City.
Installation practices are continuously evolving and bringing the cost to install permeable pavements down and more in line with traditional paver installation. It’s a very attractive option for our clients who need to deal with drainage problems, but also want a beautiful outdoor living space (and it’s beneficial to our environment…a win-win-win situation). Consider the possibility of a permeable pavement solution to your drainage issues! If you need help designing and installing a permeable paver patio, give us a call.